Posts Tagged ‘Broken Ankle’

How I am Blogging as Therapy

Sunday, February 22nd, 2015

I’ve heard bloggers on the twitter chat Blogchat say they are blogging as therapy, their own that is but I’ve never really quite understood what this meant until I needed something to keep myself on track. This was right after I broke my ankle and had restorative surgery; it was not a life, or lifestyle threatening occurrence however it threw me for a loop. So I started a blog series “One Hundred Days” as that’s the length of my recuperation journey; so this is how I am blogging as therapy.

This is what I wanted to accomplish:


To stay connected, and not withdraw into a remote cave, as I have done in the past, when hit with anything remotely medical.

To move forward with my Architectural Design projects.

To keep up with my friends to let them know how I am doing, however rather then sharing graphic details I thought it far more interesting to reveal my thought process with daily updates.

Then I decided how I was going to do this:


One hundred posts over 100 days to show the recuperation journey, with only very limited pertinent broken ankle details, just as back story information as no one really wants to see and read about the gory details!

My posts will be a continuing dialog, an every day diary of my evolving mind space!

My images are chosen to embellish what I am thinking and whenever possible they are from my personal collection. That’s what my IMAGES OF LIFE was designed to do.

This is how it is helping me:


1. I made the commitment to write and post everyday and it got me to the computer, at times when I was disinclined to be connected.

2. When I had work to do and couldn’t get started, I wrote a post instead, and then it seemed easy to get on with my workday. It worked like a laxative for my blocked thought process!

3. It helped me answer the numerous concerns from friends asking what happened and how was I doing? It seems many of my friends are interested in hearing how I was managing being “out of control” rather than the graphic details of the injury itself !

4. Every one of my posts is a count-down to the end of the recuperation journey; last Friday we reached the 25% milestone with the 25th post. This reminds me of making notches …… to know how much time has past. With every post we’ve moved one notch closer to the end of the broken ankle episode.

5. After posting twenty-five times, it’s become fun sharing an image of life, and my thoughts. At the onset it was a bit of a chore and I had to really push myself to write and post!

6. There is no stress in the therapy blog; it’s for me and I’ve not looked at any of the analytics. There is something very refreshing about this.

Have you ever tried blogging as therapy?


I’m curating and sharing all the posts on this elegant list by Listly below.

Check out Day Seven if you only have time to read one post ~ it’s the back story ~ the cause of why I am blogging as therapy!


[listly id=”ZDI” layout=”full” show_header=”false” show_author=”false” show_sharing=”true” show_tools=”false” per_page=”25″]